We are a group of people desiring to worship and serve our Creator God in spirit and in truth.

We recognize that there is a deceiver at work to confuse mankind as to the plan of God. Therefore, we hold the words of Yehovah - both the Father and Yeshua the Son - above those of ANY man for our doctrinal foundation.

The early church beliefs and practices that Yeshua founded under the new covenant is not reflected in many modern churches. The early church called themselves "Believers" and they followed "The Way" of the Messiah. We endeavor to do the same and find that “The Way” is AWESOME!! His plan and future for all of us is exciting!

Take a look at our introductory video and we welcome you to check back often as we add more videos covering a variety of topics.

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“From the cowardice that shrinks from new truth,
From the laziness that is content with half-truths,
From the arrogance that thinks it knows all truth,
Oh God of Truth, deliver us.”
