We understand that it matters not what we “believe” - as our belief does not make something true or false. It is only the opinion of Our Creator that matters. We understand that He does not require us to be in agreement with Him for Him to be right.

Therefore, the foundational statements below are based on what we see as His revelation alone. We understand that there is an adversary on this earth that seeks and works to twist the truth. As a result, there is much confusion and deception within religion today. We strive to only honor and follow that which is from the Source and not tainted by human or demonic hands as much as is within our ability to do so.

Click each subject header below to view our position on each topic. Click again to close.

The Bible

The Godhead

God's Sovereignty


God's Purpose and Destiny for Humanity

Angels, Satan and Demons

The Church and its Mission

God's Eternal Law of Love

The Sacrificial Work of Christ (The Messiah)

One Sign of the Messiah



Sabbath Day

Annual Sabbath Days

The Return of Christ and His Millennial Rule

The Final Judgment of Man


The biblical command for tithing was given under the old covenant to fund the governmental and religious structure of the nation of Israel and the command for tithing ended with that covenant. However, the bible does declare that volunteer tithing is a way to honor God with what He has given us to be stewards over. Tithing opens up the giver to blessings from God that can not be contained and is to be done from the heart, not out of fear or intimidation. You can not out-give God. Tithing from the heart is a means by which the church is able to serve others, to preach and proclaim the gospel, to care for those in need, and to cover expenses necessary to carry out the keeping of the Sabbath and Holy Day assemblies in the manner directed by God.

Scriptural Support:
Malachi 3:8-10; 2 Corinthians 9:7; Proverbs 3:9-10